Welcome to Adams Enterprises Trampoline Service Center
We are here to help you with your trampoline needs. We offer services such as a trampoline mat re-sew; this is needed when the stitching along the outer edge has come undone and causes the straps and rings to pull away from the mat. We custom make trampoline mats for shop made trampoline frames, older frames such as Hercules, Jumpking, Regal and the new trampolines available on today’s market. All of our trampoline mats are made by us, to your specifications, in West Texas. We custom make safety pads, the part that covers the springs, as well as sell imported pads when desired. If you are needing a new trampoline, we offer heavy duty trampolines designed to last your family a lifetime. If you are unsure what you want or need, please give us a call, we’ll be happy to answer all of your questions.

Custom Work is our Specialty
We not only custom make trampoline mats and safety pads for the backyard trampoline, but we specialize in arena mats and tumble track mats. To get in touch, you can call our local number at 806-842-3221, text us at 806-577-5243, or use our toll free number 1-800-753-5378. We look forward to working with you.

Customer Service is our Priority
We have over 30-years experience when it comes to trampolines. When a potential customer calls to inquire what we offer, our job is to fill you with the facts and then let you decide. Not all trampoline frames are the same and there is no one size fits all when it comes to buying a replacement mat or safety pad. A replacement mat for the common 14-foot round trampoline frame comes is several sizes with various ring count. One size might be 11’10” with 96 rings, 100 rings or 104 rings. If you are unsure what to order, please give us a call; we are here to help.
Get In Touch
Questions? Want to learn more? You can call us at 806-842-3221, or email us at info@trampolineservices.com