
Standard Trampoline Mat vs Deluxe Trampoline Mat

Our standard trampoline mat starts off with a black piece of poly polypropylene cut to the size needed for  your trampoline frame. We then add on the proper number of v-rings which are held in place with black webbing.

The straps with v-rings are held in place with six rows of stitching. We use a heavy duty industrial sewing machine and heavy duty thread for this job.

After the six rows of stitching have been add to the mat it is now considered a standard trampoline mat.

To make this mat a deluxe trampoline mat we then place a piece of blue webbing over top of the six rows of stitching.

This webbing shades the original stitching from the sun.

The blue webbing is attached with four additional rows of stitching. This is how a standard trampoline mat becomes a deluxe trampoline mat.